Israel-Palestine, nouvelle histoire israélienne, dissidences, débats... (1)

Israel-Palestine, nouvelle histoire israélienne, dissidences, débats... (2)

L'expansion du commerce est indiscutablement liée à l'autoritarisme, aux activités clandestines, à la corruption, au crime, à la justice partiale et aux procès truqués.

ILAN PAPPE & nouvelle histoire israélienne
"Je quitte Israël, je n’arrive plus à travailler avec sérénité, je suis continuellement dans la ligne de mire », vient d’annoncer l’historien israélien Ilan Pappé. Dans une interview au quotidien italien Il manifesto, il précise : « mais je continuerai de l’étranger mon combat pour que le conflit israélo-palestinien soit rapporté dans son véritable contexte historique, loin du mythe et des fausses vérités qui l’ont marqué pendant toutes ces décennies... "
The year 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the foundation of Israel. It marks also the beginning of 60 years of the suffering for the Palestinian people. This tragedy is referred to as the “Nakba,” meaning catastrophe in Arabic.
Since 1948 at least 420 Palestinian villages have vanished. The photo journalist Ryuichi Hirokawa has filmed over 1,000 hours of footage and has taken thousands of photographs of the Palestinian people and their vanished villages. This film is a distillation of this footage.
Appel au Boycott (AIC) du Festival International des Ecrivains de Jérusalem - 11 et 15 mai 2008 - financé par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères israélien. Un certain nombre d'auteurs confirment cependant leur présence : Gordimer, De Luca, Safran Foer, Russell Banks...
Boycott du soixantième anniversaire d’Israël. llan Pappé, convié au Salon du Livre de Paris du 18 mars 2008 avec d’autres écrivains israéliens - Amira Hass, Avi Shlaim, Idith Zertal, Michel Warschawski - par l’Edition « La Fabrique » (et "Fayard"), annonce pourquoi il a décliné l’invitation

Palestine : nettoyage ethnique
JICA (Agence Japonaise de Coopération Internationale) Consolidera la division de la Cisjordanie en 3 ghettos : le ghetto centre, le ghetto sud et le ghetto nord
The Japan International Cooperation Agency’s development proposals for the Jordan Valley
There are fundamental weaknesses in the project, which are discussed in this briefing. The main points addressed are :
- JICA’s failure to consult fully with Palestinians and the further failure to address needs that were expressed during the consultation.
JICA’s failure to engage with the political reality in the Jordan Valley.
-JICA’s proposal of ‘joint’ projects, which recognise the Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley, is a violation of international law and against the wishes of Palestinians.
-JICA’s development proposals must be led by a recognition of Palestinian political interests
Japan's Concept for creating "Corridor for Peace and Prosperity" (Carte du MOFA)
"Japan proposes its concept of creating "the corridor for peace and prosperity" in cooperation with Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians. "
"(...)Israel is a country for women trafficked from Eastern Europe — primarily Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Russia — for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Israel is also a destination country for low-skilled workers from People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.), Romania, Jordan, Turkey, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India some are subsequently subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude such as withholding of passports and other restrictions on movement, threats, and physical intimidation. Many labor recruitment agencies makes these workers highly vulnerable to forced labor once in Israel..."(Trafficking in persons report, Israeli Tier 2, p. 121/236, US Dept.of State, 2007 )
Conférence des donateurs du 17 décembre 2007 : pays et organisations invités, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères
"Cette conférence sera la conférence internationale des donateurs la plus large consacrée aux Territoires palestiniens depuis la conférence organisée à Paris en 1996. Elle a pour but de mobiliser les donateurs, dans la continuité de la conférence d’Annapolis"
Israel a été créé sur un nettoyage ethnique
"Le développement actuel de la triste réalité au Moyen-Orient a des racines historiques claires et un voyage dans le passé peut aider à éclairer ce qu'il y a derrière la politique destructrice d'Israel en Palestine et au Liban.
Le Sionisme est arrivé en Palestine à la fin du 19ème siècle en tant que mouvement colonialiste motivé par des impulsions nationales. La colonisation de la Palestine s'adaptait bien aux intérêts et à la politique de l'Empire Britannique à la veille de la Première Guerre Mondiale.
Avec le soutien de la Grande-Bretagne, le projet de colonisation s'est développé, et est devenu une présence massive sur le terrain après la guerre et avec l'établissement du Mandat Britannique en Palestine (qui a duré de 1918 à 1948).
Tandis qu'avait lieu ce regroupement, la société autochtone a subi, comme d'autres sociétés dans le reste du monde Arabe, un processus régulier de constitution d'une identité nationale. Mais avec une différence."

Résister à l’apartheid israélien : Stratégies et principes
Signification et objectifs du boycott universitaire
par Ilan Pappe (Israël)
" Il y a deux ans, lorsque j’ai entendu parler pour la première fois d’une pétition adressée à
l’Union européenne pour abroger les relations privilégiées avec les universités israéliennes, je
n’ai pas hésité, et j’ai signé, avec bien d’autres. J’étais d’ailleurs convaincu que les 100 ou
150 universitaires israéliens qui ont l’habitude de joindre leurs noms aux initiatives et
pétitions contre l’occupation, et en défense des refuzniks, feraient de même. Mais cela s’avéra
une naïveté de ma part.
En dehors de trois autres membres actifs des facultés locales, les autres invoquèrent des
excuses variées et refusèrent de contresigner la pétition, qui d’ailleurs n’appelait même pas à
un boycott mais à un moratoire sur le traitement privilégié d’Israël au sein de l’Europe. "
Boycott as resistance, the moral dimension,Closing the door to Oppression (pdf)
The Palestinian call for boycott is based specifically on Israel’s systematic oppression of
the Palestinian people which takes three fundamental forms:
First: Rejecting the Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their properties, as stipulated in international law, and denying any responsibility for the Nakba -- the
massive dispossession and ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by Zionists around 1948, transforming close to 800,000 Palestinians into refugees. A virtual consensus exists among Israelis, including academics and other intellectuals, on rejecting the legally and morally binding rights of Palestinian refugees.1

Birzeit University-Palestine
Israeli Jewish myths and the prospect of American war : Ilan Pappe interviewed by Greg Dropkin
The Plan Dalet
The Zionist forces started the war in early April 1948 by launching Plan Dalet. Plan Dalet was launched to conquer and ethnically cleanse the country and was not a defence against an Arab invasion. The Arab armies did not enter Palestine until after the British left on 15 May. When they entered, it was too late. The Zionists had already conquered a major part of the country and driven out most of its inhabitants. Entry of the Arab armies did not make any difference.
La résolution 181
"La résolution 181 de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, votée le 29 novembre 1947, recommande le partage de la Palestine en un Etat juif, un Etat arabe et une zone « sous régime international particulier ».
14 000 kilomètres carrés, avec 558 000 juifs et 405 000 arabes pour l'Etat juif, 11 500 kilomètres carrés, avec 804 000 arabes et 10 000 juifs pour l'Etat arabe, 106 000 Arabes et 100 000 juifs pour la zone internationale qui comprend les Lieux saints, Jérusalem et Bethléem. Entre les deux Etats devait s'installer une union économique, monétaire et douanière. "
Fear, Victimhood, Self and Other by I.Pappe
"Since the 1980s, Israel’s academia has been engaged in and torn by a debate on Zionist history in general and on the chronicles of the 1948 war in particular. Recently these issues have reached a wider public through mainstream newspapers, television and radio.The debate is generated by Israeli scholars who challenge the official Israeli historical version of Zionism’s origins and the birth of Israel.
PALESTINE: Pappe: `Israel must be treated as South Africa was'
What brought about the current intifada (uprising) in Palestine, and what is the Israeli government's policy towards it?
The Best Runner in the Class (Part 1)
Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 28 May 2007
It was the quiet lapping of the waves that reminded her of that awful day. Like now, it had been the middle of May, and roughly -- or was it? -- the same time of day, the Mediterranean dusk, when the skyline above the sea becomes a glowing display of colors, contours and configurations. But of course, on that day she did not rest as comfortably as she did now, with her bare feet dug deep into the crisp warm sand of the beach near her village.
Genocide in Gaza
Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 2 September 2006
A genocide is taking place in Gaza. This morning, 2 September, another three citizens of Gaza were killed and a whole family wounded in Beit Hanoun. This is the morning reap, before the end of day many more will be massacred. An average of eight Palestinian die daily in the Israeli attacks on the Strip. Most of them are children. Hundreds are maimed, wounded and paralyzed.

Israel's land laws as a legal political tool & banks
Le monde clos de la globalisation, le développement économique autoritaire et l'avantage humain de la révolution sociale
"Très inquiétant, le développement autoritaire de l'économie mondiale repose non seulement sur une "philosophie politique" pratique de désaffiliation des classes dominantes d'avec les intérêts vitaux du monde commun mais également sur un jeu de batteries interchangeables d'intérêts contradictoires mû par les "Etats politiques voyous" (rogues states), les think tanks, les sociétés transnationales, les gangs mafieux, les églises, les armées, les polices, les ong, les agents spéciaux... jeunes, érudits, patriotes, dressés pour infiltrer, rapporter, dénoncer et que l'opinion ne connaîtra jamais, pas plus qu'elle ne connaîtra Alan Keyes, l'étrange ami de l'apartheid et des contras, pas plus qu'elle ne connaîtra le monde clos et ambigu de Stephen Bryen, de Michael Novak, de Lynne Cheney, de Robert Bork, de Richard Perle ou celui d'Irving Kristol, dans lequel il est affirmé que le peuple doive vivre, soumis et reconnaissant, pour progresser sainement..."
""...En novembre 1948, 700 000 palestiniens seront chassés par les groupes armés de la Haganah de 443 villages immédiatement classés "closed military aeras" selon les lois britanniques de 1945 réactivées par Israel en vue de leur acquisition par la Developing Authority et le ministère de l'Agriculture. Sous l'autorité de l'Emergency Regulations-Exploitation of Uncultivated Land, la zone s'étendant du sud Liban à l'est du Jourdain deviendra en 1949 "security zone" et rélèvera de la Défense Nationale.
Cette même année 1949, 800 000 palestiniens supplémentaires seront exclus de 531 villages et 130 000 de 662 "villages mineurs" jusqu'au verrouillage de la situation par le vote stratégique de 1950 faisant suite à l'Emergency Regulations Concerning Absenty Property de 1948 de l'Absentees Property Law.
Les exclus sont dorénavant, au regard de la loi israélienne, des "absents" (absentees) et les terres perdues des "absentee's property", propriétés administrées dès 1950 par le Custodian for Absentee Property."
Official History of Leumi
"Over one hundred years ago, on the 27th of February 1902 in London, the Anglo Palestine Company was established, which in time became Bank Leumi Le-Israel. Leumi was an integral part of the dream of repatriating the Jewish people to their historic homeland, and was envisioned by none other than Dr. Theodore Herzl. He believed that in order to realize the Zionist dream and to build a modern state, it was necessary to establish a strong and professional financial institution.
Official History of Bank of Israel
"The question of creating a central bank, or as it was called, the State Bank, was discussed in the Ministry of Finance in 1948, immediately after the establishment of the State of Israel. The matter was shelved due to the pressure of events, but an immediate solution was required to the problem of issuing a currency for the young State. Thus the Bank Notes Ordinance, 5708-1948 was introduced, becoming effective on August 17, 1948.
BADIL Expert Seminars-Palestinian Refugees
"The search for durable solutions for Palestinian refugees and displaced persons since the beginning of negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1990s has been dominated by a political approach which considers international law and relevant United Nations resolutions as ‘impractical’ and an obstacle to a rapid negotiated solution of the Palestinian refugee issue. The right of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced to return and repossess their properties has remained largely excluded from scholarly research, debate and recommendations.
Nakbah/Naqba, la catastrophe, les expulsions
Remarquable document : Nakba's Oral History Interviews Listing Post Your Comment
TANTURA Massacre exposed : 21 eyewitness testimonies of war crimes against humanity (2001)
""Adil Muhammad al-'Ammuri, born in 1931, resident of the Yarmuk camp
Lots of things happened before the attack on Tantura the night of 23 May 1948. I especially remember watching the train go by loaded with armored vehicles, supplies and ammunition for the colonies of Khudeira, Rmat Gan, and Netanya. During the same period, armed men would fire at Tantura villagers working their fields. It was during such an incident that As'ad Abu Mdayriss was killed."
Israel’s Wall: The Facts
"The construction of Israel’s Wall began on the 16th of June, 2002.
The Wall consists of a series of 25-foot-high concrete slabs, trenches, barbed wire “buffer zones”, electrified fencing, numerous watch towers, thermal imaging video cameras, sniper towers and roads for patrol vehicles.
The Wall will eventually extend over 721 km, more than 56% of which has already been completed.
The Wall costs approximately $3.7 million per kilometer."
Les oppositions à la nouvelle histoire et les travaux de la propagande sioniste ou neocon des "chercheurs/agents" du MEF/Middle East Forum, du MEIB/Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, du Committee on the Present Danger & CPD (Right Web), du Team B, du PNAC, de l'USCFL, du JINSA...

ILAN PAPPE & la nouvelle histoire israélienne

- "NAKBA" (trailer)
The year 2008 marks the 60th anniversary of the foundation of Israel. It marks also the beginning of 60 years of the suffering for the Palestinian people. This tragedy is referred to as the “Nakba,” meaning catastrophe in Arabic.
Since 1948 at least 420 Palestinian villages have vanished. The photo journalist Ryuichi Hirokawa has filmed over 1,000 hours of footage and has taken thousands of photographs of the Palestinian people and their vanished villages. This film is a distillation of this footage.

- Appel au Boycott (AIC) du Festival International des Ecrivains de Jérusalem - 11 et 15 mai 2008 - financé par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères israélien. Un certain nombre d'auteurs confirment cependant leur présence : Gordimer, De Luca, Safran Foer, Russell Banks...
- Boycott du soixantième anniversaire d’Israël. llan Pappé, convié au Salon du Livre de Paris du 18 mars 2008 avec d’autres écrivains israéliens - Amira Hass, Avi Shlaim, Idith Zertal, Michel Warschawski - par l’Edition « La Fabrique » (et "Fayard"), annonce pourquoi il a décliné l’invitation

La signification des réfugié-e-s dans le conflit israëlo-palestinien

al-nakba. Nakba. The catastrophe. (youtube)
PALESTINE(AL-NAKBA 48) (youtube)
Al Nakba-58 years later in Palestine & Israel (youtube)
What Really Happened Fifty Years Ago? by: Ilan Pappe (pdf)
"Al Nakba"--The Palestinian Catastrophe of 1948 (youtube)
George Galloway & Ilan Pappe 1 , 2, 3 (audio)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine & part 2, Part 3, Part 4 by Dr. Ilan Pappe (youtube)

"Je quitte Israël, je n’arrive plus à travailler avec sérénité, je suis continuellement dans la ligne de mire », vient d’annoncer l’historien israélien Ilan Pappé. Dans une interview au quotidien italien Il manifesto, il précise : « mais je continuerai de l’étranger mon combat pour que le conflit israélo-palestinien soit rapporté dans son véritable contexte historique, loin du mythe et des fausses vérités qui l’ont marqué pendant toutes ces décennies... " (Le Grand Soir)

Site officiel d'Ilan PappéNew

Palestine : nettoyage ethnique

JICA (Agence Japonaise de Coopération Internationale) consolidera la division de la Cisjordanie en 3 ghettos : le ghetto centre, le ghetto sud et le ghetto nord

Les propositions de développement du Quartet pour la Vallée du Jourdain, Stop The Wall/ISM
" Le Représentant spécial du Quartet a annoncé quatre propositions comme ensemble de mesures destinées à reconstruire l'économie en Cisjordanie et à Gaza. L'une des propositions est une zone agro-industrielle dans la Vallée du Jourdain, conçue à l'origine par l'Agence Japonaise de Coopération Internationale (JICA) dans le cadre de leur Couloir pour la Paix et la Prospérité (Couloir de la Paix). Le projet sera discuté lors de la conférence des donateurs à Paris le 17 décembre :
"• JICA n'a pas consulté pleinement les Palestiniens et les propositions ne prennent pas en compte les besoins qui ont été exprimés lors des consultations avec les communautés.
• Les propositions supposent une présence permanente israélienne dans la Vallée du Jourdain. Les propositions incluent explicitement des investissements et un soutien aux colonies israéliennes illégales et aux routes séparées pour les Israéliens et les Palestiniens (routes de l'apartheid).
• La proposition de JICA pour des projets "communs" qui reconnaissent la présence israélienne dans la Vallée du Jourdain va l'encontre des désirs des Palestiniens. Les Israéliens sont traités comme des "partenaires" et non comme des occupants.
"Les propositions du Couloir de Paix
Le 18 novembre 2007, Tony Blair, le Représentant spécial du Quartet, a annoncé une série de projets économiques, dont l'objectif déclaré est de stimuler le développement économique palestinien. Les projets annoncés sont, en fait, une nouvelle présentation des projets existants.
L'une des principales propositions est le Couloir pour la Paix et la Prospérité dans la Vallée du Jourdain, développé par l'Agence Japonaise de Coopération Internationale (JICA).
La proposition au cœur du Couloir pour la Paix est le développement d'une zone agro-industrielle destinée à créer des emplois dans la Vallée du Jourdain et à produire des marchandises destinées à l'exportation, principalement pour les Israéliens et la Jordanie.
Les objectifs déclarés du gouvernement japonais sont de faciliter le développement économique de la région et d'accroître une coopération des Palestiniens avec l'État israélien, et de développer la normalisation entre les Israéliens et la Jordanie.
Les propositions sont :
• Une zone agro-industrielle
• Des routes et une gestion des déchets sont en cours d'élaboration pour soutenir la zone agro-industrielle.
Estimation des besoins et projets de gestion des déchets
Les résultats des consultations avec la communauté ont été ignorés
• Les projets de JICA ignorent complètement les résultats de l'estimation des besoins qui a été faite avec les Palestiniens dans la Vallée du Jourdain. Sur les besoins soulevés par les Palestiniens, seules les propositions pour la gestion des déchets ont été mises en œuvre, et la gestion des déchets est positionnée très loin sur la liste de leurs priorités. Il y a des questions de priorités bien plus importantes à traiter, tels que le développement de l'éducation et des établissements de services médicaux.
• Le mardi 13 novembre, une réunion des conseils régionaux de la Vallée du Jourdain a expliqué les grandes lignes des principales objections aux propositions de JICA, précisant que les projets mis en œuvre à ce jour ne sont pas pertinents pour eux.(1)
JICA propose un soutien direct aux colonies
• JICA propose des investissements directs et un soutien aux entreprises israéliennes travaillant illégalement en Cisjordanie (en particulier dans les colonies) pour faciliter la zone agro-industrielle
Le document préliminaire de JICA suggère que les Palestiniens devraient accepter leurs occupants en tant que partenaires, dans l'intérêt d'un avenir de "paix"...
La création d'une zone de libre-échange fera en sorte que le statut des colonies demeurera ambiguë
JICA déclare que :
Des investisseurs étrangers pourraient s'intéresser à une zone franche qui serait exemptée de taxes douanières. Les entreprises de transformation installeraient leurs usines de traitement en zone franche et la logistique/distributeurs se trouveraient également en zone franche. Tandis que les commerçants et les industries liées aux importations seraient installées dans une zone de promotion à tarif douanier national. Les entreprises dans la zone de promotion seraient autorisées à effectuer des transactions commerciales avec les entreprises en zone franche. Le concept de zone industrielle de développement sera élaboré grâce à un dialogue direct avec les parties concernées. (JICA, p.14)
La route Al Mo’rajat
Le projet de la route d'Al Mo'rajat est destiné à faciliter les propositions agro-industrielles en permettant la circulation des colons illégaux et celle des Palestiniens dans les conditions dictées par l'Occupant.
1. Cela autorisera l'occupant à fermer la route actuelle entre Jérusalem et Jéricho (autoroute 45) aux Palestiniens. Cela permettra l'annexion des blocs de colonies de Jérusalem-Est, en particulier la région autour de la colonie de Maale Adumin. Les représentants de l'Occupation ont à maintes reprises affirmé leur intention de le faire;(4)
2. Consolidera la division de la Cisjordanie en 3 ghettos : le ghetto centre, le ghetto sud et le ghetto nord,
3. Facilitera le fonctionnement des checkpoints de l'occupation sur les nouvelles routes "pour Palestiniens seulement" tout en donnant une liberté complète de mouvement aux colons israéliens sur les routes où les Palestiniens seront exclus.
Les rouvelles routes pour "Palestiniens seulement" commenceront et se termineront par des checkpoints de l'Occupation. La proposition de zone agro-industrielle de JICA prend l'existence permanente de ces checkpoints comme un fait accompli et formule des recommandations aux Palestiniens pour qu'ils développent leur industrie en tenant compte du fait qu'ils devront continuer à vivre avec. (5)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency’s development proposals for the Jordan Valley, novembre 2007, Stop the wall Campaign
"The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is planning and implementing a range of development projects in the Palestinian Jordan Valley, whose stated aims are to facilitate the economic development of the area and to increase Palestinian cooperation with the Israeli state.
There are fundamental weaknesses in the project, which are discussed in this briefing. The main points addressed are:
• JICA’s failure to consult fully with Palestinians and the further failure to address needs that were expressed during the consultation. JICA is not accountable to the Palestinian people. This has led to the development of initiatives and proposals which do not meet regional needs and in fact run counter to the interests of the local population.
• JICA’s failure to engage with the political reality in the Jordan Valley. The poor economic situation in the area is a direct result of forty years of Israeli occupation. JICA’s current initiatives and proposed projects will facilitate the building of economy and infrastructure that is inextricably bound up with the presence of the occupation, effectively
cementing the most serious barrier to long-term development.
• JICA’s proposal of ‘joint’ projects, which recognise the Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley, is a violation of international law and against the wishes of Palestinians. The Israelis are being dealt with as ‘partners’, rather than occupiers.
• JICA’s development proposals must be led by a recognition of Palestinian political interests, including advocacy and the support of an ‘economy of steadfastness’ conducive to long-term Palestinian political and developmental goals.

Japan's Concept for creating "Corridor for Peace and Prosperity" (Carte du MOFA)
"Japan proposes its concept of creating "the corridor for peace and prosperity" in cooperation with Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians. The concept is to work collaboratively to materialize projects that promote regional cooperation for the prosperity of the region, such as establishing an agro-industrial park in the West Bank and facilitating the transportation of goods. Only when the circumstances permit Japan will move this concept forward by initiating a unit to achieve these goals. Japan is ready to host the first meeting of the unit whenever convenient to all parties concerned."

- "(...)Israel is a country for women trafficked from Eastern Europe — primarily Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Russia — for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Israel is also a destination country for low-skilled workers from People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.), Romania, Jordan, Turkey, Thailand, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India some are subsequently subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude such as withholding of passports and other restrictions on movement, threats, and physical intimidation. Many labor recruitment agencies makes these workers highly vulnerable to forced labor once in Israel..."(Trafficking in persons report, Israeli Tier 2, p. 121/236, US Dept.of State, 2007 )

Conférence des donateurs du 17 décembre 2007 : pays et organisations invités, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères
La France accueillera le 17 décembre à Paris une conférence des donateurs consacrée aux Territoires palestiniens, comme l’ont proposé le Président palestinien, M. Mahmoud Abbas et le Premier ministre, M. Salam Fayyad.
Cette conférence sera la conférence internationale des donateurs la plus large consacrée aux Territoires palestiniens depuis la conférence organisée à Paris en 1996. Elle a pour but de mobiliser les donateurs, dans la continuité de la conférence d’Annapolis, et de fournir un soutien financier et politique à l’Autorité palestinienne. Ce soutien doit lui permettre de se doter des capacités de construire un Etat viable.
The Wall and Proposed Israeli Unilateral Disengagement - December 2004, Stop the Waall

Ilan Pappe vs. Efraim Karsh (TV video, 31/10/06)

Israel a été créé sur un nettoyage ethnique par Ilan Pappe (6/8/2006 ISM)


Academic boycott of Israel, divestment & Sue Blackwell's Homepage (I)
British Committee for Universities of Palestine (BRICUP, soutien à l'offensive)
Résister à l’apartheid israélien : Stratégies et principes, Londres, Conférence internationale sur la Palestine, SOAS, 5 déc.04 : Signification et objectifs du boycott universitaire par Ilan Pappe (Israël) pdf
"Il y a deux ans, lorsque j’ai entendu parler pour la première fois d’une pétition adressée à l’Union européenne pour abroger les relations privilégiées avec les universités israéliennes, je n’ai pas hésité, et j’ai signé, avec bien d’autres. J’étais d’ailleurs convaincu que les 100 ou 150 universitaires israéliens qui ont l’habitude de joindre leurs noms aux initiatives et pétitions contre l’occupation, et en défense des refuzniks, feraient de même. Mais cela s’avéra une naïveté de ma part. En dehors de trois autres membres actifs des facultés locales, les autres invoquèrent des excuses variées et refusèrent de contresigner la pétition, qui d’ailleurs n’appelait même pas à un boycott mais à un moratoire sur le traitement privilégié d’Israël au sein de l’Europe."
Boycott as resistance, the moral dimension,Closing the door to Oppression (pdf)
University of London - SOAS Omar Barghouti
"The Palestinian call for boycott is based specifically on Israel’s systematic oppression of the Palestinian people which takes three fundamental forms: First: Rejecting the Palestinian refugees’ right of return to their properties, as stipulated in international law, and denying any responsibility for the Nakba -- the massive dispossession and ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by Zionists around 1948, transforming close to 800,000 Palestinians into refugees. A virtual consensus exists among Israelis, including academics and other intellectuals, on rejecting the legally and morally binding rights of Palestinian refugees."

An interview with Dr Ilan Pappé
In November 2002 I took the opportunity to attend a lecture at Manchester University and record a lecture and interview with leading Israeli academic Dr Ilan Pappé. The interview was Produced, edited by Joseph Cooper, realisaed Greg Dropkin and made by Greg Dropkin a freelance journalist later published in various print and online publications under the title “Israeli Jewish myths and the prospect of American war ” download a full transcript of this interview (here).

Birzeit University-Palestine

The systematic obstruction of Palestinian education in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by the illegal Israeli occupation not only violates the human rights of individuals, it is an attack on the development of Palestinian society as a whole...

Israel Historians Asks : What really Happened Fifty Years Ago ? by Ilan Pappe
The Plan Dalet
The Zionist forces started the war in early April 1948 by launching Plan Dalet. Plan Dalet was launched to conquer and ethnically cleanse the country and was not a defence against an Arab invasion. The Arab armies did not enter Palestine until after the British left on 15 May. When they entered, it was too late. The Zionists had already conquered a major part of the country and driven out most of its inhabitants. Entry of the Arab armies did not make any difference.
Resolutions 181, 194, 3236

La résolution 181

"La résolution 181 de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, votée le 29 novembre 1947, recommande le partage de la Palestine en un Etat juif, un Etat arabe et une zone « sous régime international particulier ».
14 000 kilomètres carrés, avec 558 000 juifs et 405 000 arabes pour l'Etat juif, 11 500 kilomètres carrés, avec 804 000 arabes et 10 000 juifs pour l'Etat arabe, 106 000 Arabes et 100 000 juifs pour la zone internationale qui comprend les Lieux saints, Jérusalem et Bethléem. Entre les deux Etats devait s'installer une union économique, monétaire et douanière.
Adoptée par 33 voix (dont les Etats-Unis et l'URSS), contre 13 voix opposées et 10 absentions (dont la Grande-Bretagne espérant à la faveur des troubles maintenir son influence), elle est refusée par les Arabes et critiquée par les sionistes qui s'y rallient malgré tout. La résolution ne sera jamais appliquée et six mois après son vote, le 15 mai 1948, débute la première guerre israélo-arabe, après cinq mois de guerre judéo-palestinienne..."

Fear, Victimhood, Self and Other
by I.Pappe
"Since the 1980s, Israel’s academia has been engaged in and torn by a debate on Zionist history in general and on the chronicles of the 1948 war in particular. Recently these issues have reached a wider public through mainstream newspapers, television and radio.The debate is generated by Israeli scholars who challenge the official Israeli historical version of Zionism’s origins and the birth of Israel. Theirs is a non-Zionist narrative of history and this is its main importance.It is not that alternatives to the Zionist history are new. Ever since the state of Israel was created the official Zionist account of events has been challenged by competing historical narratives. First and foremost, there is the Palestinian version—a version manifested in scholarly works, novels and poetry and expressed through the years in various political declarations and resolutions by the Palestine Liberation Organization.
But there also were challenges from the Jewish community in Palestine and later from within Israeli society. The challengers within Israel itself were mainly supporters of the Israeli Communist Party or of small radical and leftist anti-Zionist political groups. In these political circles, history was taught very differently from the official version learned by most Israelis. The historical version of the non- and anti-Zionist left is closer to the Palestinian version than the official Zionist narrative. The official and mainstream Zionist version of events concerning the birth of Israel was also challenged by right-wingers in Israel who attributed the 1948 Jewish success solely to the Stern Gang and other Jewish terrorist organizations that fought against the British and clashed with Palestinians throughout the 1940s..."
The Tantura Case in Israel : The Katz Research and Trial by I. Pappe (pdf)
Selves and others, expressed views by I.Pappe

PALESTINE: Pappe: `Israel must be treated as South Africa was'

What brought about the current intifada (uprising) in Palestine, and what is the Israeli government's policy towards it?
The intifada is the result of Palestinians’ frustration [with] the intolerable gap between the discourse of peace and reconciliation and the actual reality on the ground. While the diplomats involved in the 1993 Oslo accords were talking about peace and independence, on the ground the occupation continued. In fact, it became worse — more settlements were built, more roadblocks were introduced and the Israeli policy in general became harsher and more cruel.

The Best Runner in the Class (Part 1)
Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 28 May 2007
It was the quiet lapping of the waves that reminded her of that awful day. Like now, it had been the middle of May, and roughly -- or was it? -- the same time of day, the Mediterranean dusk, when the skyline above the sea becomes a glowing display of colors, contours and configurations. But of course, on that day she did not rest as comfortably as she did now, with her bare feet dug deep into the crisp warm sand of the beach near her village.
The flickering water and fading sunlight prodded the painful memories to surface and trouble her mind to the point of derangement. Then a sudden silence fell, for the shortest possible moment but crystal clear and sharp, as if everyone and everything was frozen in time. Fifty years ago it had been the same: a very brief interlude that allowed everyone on the beach -- killers, victims and bystanders -- to absorb the moment, even to grasp it in a lucid manner that would never repeat itself. Now her own realization was more stoical, and free of the panic that had gripped her then. This time a sense of surrender enveloped her. "Illi fat mat," bygones are bygones, Fatima murmured to herself.

Genocide in Gaza
Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 2 September 2006
A genocide is taking place in Gaza. This morning, 2 September, another three citizens of Gaza were killed and a whole family wounded in Beit Hanoun. This is the morning reap, before the end of day many more will be massacred. An average of eight Palestinian die daily in the Israeli attacks on the Strip. Most of them are children. Hundreds are maimed, wounded and paralyzed.
The Israeli leadership is at a loss of what to do with the Gaza Strip. It has vague ideas about the West Bank. The current government assumes that the West Bank, unlike the Strip, is an open space, at least on its eastern side. Hence if Israel, under the ingathering program of the government, annexes the parts it covets -- half of the West Bank -- and cleanses it of its native population, the other half would naturally lean towards Jordan, at least for a while and would not concern Israel. This is a fallacy, but nonetheless it won the enthusiastic vote of most of the Jews in the country. Such an arrangement can not work in the Gaza enclave -- Egypt unlike Jordan has succeeded in persuading the Israelis, already in 1948, that the Gaza Strip for them is a liability and will never form part of Egypt. So a million and half Palestinians are stuck inside Israel -- although geographically the Strip is located on the margins of the state, psychologically it lies in its midst.

Israel's land laws as a legal political tool & banks

Le monde clos de la globalisation, le développement économique autoritaire et l'avantage humain de la révolution sociale by Christian Pose
""...En novembre 1948, 700 000 palestiniens seront chassés par les groupes armés de la Haganah de 443 villages immédiatement classés "closed military aeras" selon les lois britanniques de 1945 réactivées par Israel en vue de leur acquisition par la Developing Authority et le ministère de l'Agriculture. Sous l'autorité de l'Emergency Regulations-Exploitation of Uncultivated Land, la zone s'étendant du sud Liban à l'est du Jourdain deviendra en 1949 "security zone" et rélèvera de la Défense Nationale.
Cette même année 1949, 800 000 palestiniens supplémentaires seront exclus de 531 villages et 130 000 de 662 "villages mineurs" jusqu'au verrouillage de la situation par le vote stratégique de 1950 faisant suite à l'Emergency Regulations Concerning Absenty Property de 1948 de l'Absentees Property Law.
Les exclus sont dorénavant, au regard de la loi israélienne, des "absents" (absentees) et les terres perdues des "absentee's property", propriétés administrées dès 1950 par le Custodian for Absentee Property."
Usuma Halabi écrira dans "Israel's Land Laws As a Legal Political Tool" (BADIL expert seminar)" : "...absenty property" is a land the Custodian is not allowed to sell it or otherwise to transfer the ownership to a third party. However art.19 (Absentees Property Law) continues : "if a Development Authority will be established according Knesset Law, the Custodian will be allowed to sell the property to the mentionned Development Authority...".
Six months after the enactment of the Absentee Property Law, such an authority was established by the Development Authority (Transfer of Property) Law of 1950. To validate any prior illegal expropriations/taking over of lands between 1948 and 1953, the israeli parliament Knesset enacted the Land Acquisition (Validity of Acts and Compensation) Law, 1953. The declared objective of this law was to "validate" retrospectively the taking over of Arab owned land for military purposes or for use by existing or newly established Jewish settlements...".
"Of the total land in Israel in 1997, the Israel Government Press Office statistics say 79.5% is owned by the government, 14% is privately owned by the JNF (Jewish National Found land), and the rest, around 6.5%, is evenly divided between private Arab and Jewish owners. Thus, the ILA (Israel Land Administration) administers 93.5% of the land in Israel."

Official History of Leumi

"Over one hundred years ago, on the 27th of February 1902 in London, the Anglo Palestine Company was established, which in time became Bank Leumi Le-Israel. Leumi was an integral part of the dream of repatriating the Jewish people to their historic homeland, and was envisioned by none other than Dr. Theodore Herzl. He believed that in order to realize the Zionist dream and to build a modern state, it was necessary to establish a strong and professional financial institution. Dr. Herzl wrote: "Jewish settlers in the Land of Israel do not need charity, but rather bank loans." Among the objectives of the Anglo Palestine Company, as expressed by its charter in 1902, were to "develop and cultivate business initiative in industry, construction, agriculture, infrastructure, et al." From its first day of business, the Bank set out to accomplish these goals..."

Official History of Bank of Israel

"The question of creating a central bank, or as it was called, the State Bank, was discussed in the Ministry of Finance in 1948, immediately after the establishment of the State of Israel. The matter was shelved due to the pressure of events, but an immediate solution was required to the problem of issuing a currency for the young State. Thus the Bank Notes Ordinance, 5708-1948 was introduced, becoming effective on August 17, 1948. The ordinance defined the authority to issue banknotes in a charter between the government and the Anglo-Palestine Bank, later Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M. Under the terms of the charter, the Anglo-Palestine Bank set up a special department, the Issue Department, whose task was to issue banknotes. At the same time, the Bank also formed a department to manage State loans. The process of replacing the notes of the Israel Currency Council with those of the Anglo-Palestine Bank began immediately after the Bank Notes Ordinance went into effect and the charter was signed, and was completed by the end of October 1948..."

BADIL Expert Seminars-Palestinian Refugees

"The search for durable solutions for Palestinian refugees and displaced persons since the beginning of negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1990s has been dominated by a political approach which considers international law and relevant United Nations resolutions as ‘impractical’ and an obstacle to a rapid negotiated solution of the Palestinian refugee issue. The right of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced to return and repossess their properties has remained largely excluded from scholarly research, debate and recommendations.
Political actors and the media remain largely unaware or indifferent to the law and principles underlying the search for durable solutions for Palestinian refugees and displaced persons. Moreover, mechanisms for a rights-based solution (return, housing and property restitution and compensation; refugee choice) of the Palestinian refugee question have remain largely unexplored. This fact is especially striking given the large body of international practice and experience that have accumulated in the context of international refugee repatriation and restitution operations elsewhere in the world.
In 2000-2001 political negotiations between the PLO and Israel broke down. The exclusion of international law, human rights standards and UN resolutions from the terms of reference of these negotiations and the domination of power-politics have been identified as a major cause of their failure. The Palestinian, Arab, and international expert community - if adequately informed and engaged - can play an important role in the promotion of a rights-based and durable solution for one of the conflict's root causes, i.e. the forceful displacement and dispossession of some two-thirds of the Palestinian people..."

Nakbah/Naqba, la catastrophe, les expulsions

Remarquable document : Nakba's Oral History Interviews Listing Post Your Comment
TANTURA Massacre exposed : 21 eyewitness testimonies of war crimes against humanity (2001)
"Adil Muhammad al-'Ammuri, born in 1931, resident of the Yarmuk camp
Lots of things happened before the attack on Tantura the night of 23 May 1948. I especially remember watching the train go by loaded with armored vehicles, supplies and ammunition for the colonies of Khudeira, Rmat Gan, and Netanya. During the same period, armed men would fire at Tantura villagers working their fields. It was during such an incident that As'ad Abu Mdayriss was killed.
The night of the attack, I was in our house at the center of the village. I tried to go to the southern part but was stopped by machine gun fire. People were rushing about, old men and children, asking God to give us victory. They weren't so much in a state of panic as lost, not knowing what to do and what was really happening.
During the earlier clashes, the villages of the Haifa district had gone to the aid of the others. This time, we thanked God that the neighboring villagers didn't come, because they would have been cut down in ambushes at the Israeli positions set up on all the roads leading to our village. Later I learned that the inhabitants of Jaba and 'Ayn Ghazal had nonetheless tried to come to our aid but had been unable to reach the village.
When they rounded us up on the beach, the Jews had asked us: "Are there any Syrians among you? Have you received Syrian help from the sea?"
Once we were captured, when they transferred us from the camp at Umm Khalid to the Ijlil prison camp, the Red Cross representative registered our names and informed us of our rights as prisoners of war. The soldiers then made us harvest the Arab fields on behalf of a Jewish army contractor. They paid us with coupons that enabled us to get food items at the cantine to satisfy our hunger because our daily prison rations were woefully insufficient. One day, several buses arrived in the camp loaded with men. They made them get down so they could drink at the camp's only water faucet. Because they were parched with thirst there was a real crush to get to the tap, and the soldiers opened fire on them and blood mixed with the water. Tens of men fell dead before our eyes. It was only later that we learned that the men were from Lydda and Ramla.
When we left the camp for exile, we had to cover the distance between Wadi al-Milh and Jinin (*) by foot. I saw numerous Arab corpses along the road.
* About 40 kms
Al-Tantura District of Haifa, ethnically cleansed 20,439 days ago
All that remains by Walid Khalidi

History and Power in Middle East
: A Conversation with Ilan Pappe
"Pappe: I was born in 1954 to a German Jewish family in Haifa where I lived
in blissful ignorance about the world beyond the comfortable and safe mount
Carmel until I reached the age of 18. At that age I began my military service
which introduced me to other groups and to the host of social problems
facing Israeli society. But it was only in the 1970s, at Hebrew University, that
I was exposed to the plight of the Palestinians in Israel as an undergraduate
in the department of Middle Eastern History. It was then and there that I
found my love for history and developed my belief that the present cannot
be understood and the future changed without first trying to decipher its
historical dimensions..."
Israel Must be Treated as South Africa was, by I.Pappe
Et Tel Aviv s'appellera Genève by I.Pappe
Israel’s Wall: The Facts
"The construction of Israel’s Wall began on the 16th of June, 2002.
The Wall consists of a series of 25-foot-high concrete slabs, trenches, barbed wire “buffer zones”, electrified fencing, numerous watch towers, thermal imaging video cameras, sniper towers and roads for patrol vehicles.
The Wall will eventually extend over 721 km, more than 56% of which has already been completed.
The Wall costs approximately $3.7 million per kilometer.
80% of the Wall is being built in the West Bank on land confiscated from Palestinians by the Israeli military. Only 20% of the Wall is being built on the Green Line, which marks the division between Israel and Palestinian land that it occupied in 1967. No section of the Wall is being built on the Israeli side of the Green Line.
More than 230 km2 of the West Bank’s most fertile land – approximately 10% of all West Bank agricultural land – has been confiscated to build the Wall.
The Wall is consolidating existing inequalities between Israelis and Palestinians with regard to access to water. It will annex 70% of the total recharge area of the Western Aquifer basin to Israel, together with 62 springs and 134 Palestinian wells.
Upon completion the Wall will also isolate some 60,500 Palestinians living in 42 villages and towns in a closed military zone limbo between the Wall and the Green Line. 12 villages with a total population of 31,400 Palestinians will be completely surrounded by the Wall..."

Les oppositions à la nouvelle histoire et les travaux de la propagande sioniste ou neocon des "chercheurs/agents" du MEF/Middle East Forum, du MEIB/Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, du Committee on the Present Danger & CPD (Right Web), du Team B, du PNAC, de l'USCFL, du JINSA...

More infos - archives de soutien à la nouvelle histoire israélienne

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